The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #03

Week number 3 already? How are you enjoying these weekly posts regarding Artificial Intelligence and the PMO / Project Management? Let’s see what happened this last couple of days in the land of rapid development and innovation!

Pablo Picasso painting with Bing AI
Pablo Picasso painting of the Project Management Office – Bing AI

Oh my, I really like this one! But you don’t want to see the other 3 pictures the AI generated, trust me.

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The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #02

Another week has passed, did you enjoy my last post? Let’s take a look at the Artificial Intelligence developments, specifically focussed on Project Management and the Project enthusiast.

Asking Bing for an image for “The Project Management Office and Artificial Intelligence”.
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The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #01

The world is changing, and the current world changer is Artificial Intelligence. How do we, as Project Management professionals adapt? This is the first of a weekly post regarding anything I can find related to Artificial Intelligence and the wider Project and Portfolio Management world.

A image created by Bearly, using Stable Diffusion asking it for "The Project Management Office and Artificial Intelligence.
A image created by Bearly, using Stable Diffusion asking it for “The Project Management Office and Artificial Intelligence”.
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Five Power BI visuals every PMO should apply, and why

Building clear and readable (Power BI) reports can make a big difference in project success. And, assisting Project Managers in this effort, a Project Management Office might apply Power BI to create these reports and maybe even dashboards.

On its own, Power BI is a great tool. But with the addition of custom visuals, it becomes even better.

I have reviewed a large number of visuals on my YouTube Channel, always with the mindset of helping the PMO be successful with Microsoft technology. In this article I’ll discuss 5 custom visuals I believe every PMO should apply. Let’s “get more visuals”!

The Get more visuals menu in Power BI.
Access to the AppSource menu in Power BI.
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I’m done reading self-help books, here’s why

Here is a little off-topic rant that I wanted to publish for a while now. If you are a frequent visitor of the blog you know that I do book reviews on Project and portfolio management. But I used to read a lot of books in the self-help category as well. That stops right now, and let me tell you why.

Seven self-help books I’d recommend everyone to read.
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7 Common Project Management Mistakes That Project Manager Make (With Solutions) – Guest post

Do you know that almost 50% of the project management companies close within the first three years of operations? Running out of project budget & time, or lack of involvement from the team, are some of the most common reasons behind it.

It is evident how even minor mistakes can cost dollars to projects and project management organizations. These mistakes can lead to delays, budget mismanagement, and in some cases, substantial financial losses too.

This article will discuss 7 common project management mistakes that project managers make and advise how to avoid them.

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Two favorite Project reports, Online edition

Four years ago I published the 3 favorite Microsoft Project reports post. And for the second year in a row it’s the most visited post on TPC. By far! And with two thousand views already this year, I’m expecting another clear winner this year (runner up “About percent complete” is good for almost half that amount of views).

It’s difficult to recreate good “ever green” content, it’s clear that the article has everything people look for. Maybe it’s the list of actions required for a successful report in Microsoft Project. Or maybe it’s because the article describes 3 reports I like the best.

Save to say I wanted to create a follow up article. This time I’m expanding my view to the cloud. More specifically, the Microsoft project management cloud solutions.

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