UserVoice #6: Roadmap allow zooming to quarters and years

Hi all lovely readers,

Welcome back to the UserVoice series. It’s starting to grow on me and I’m happy to know that Microsoft is looking at the UserVoice pages and are involved in solving the user needs. You can help out by voting! so please do vote on any of the items I’ve previously covered together with my fellow MVP’s. And make sure you vote on this item as well :-).

Today I’m looking at a Roadmap UserVoice item and I’m doing this together with Ben Howard.

Continue reading UserVoice #6: Roadmap allow zooming to quarters and years

UserVoice #5: Tell us more articles

Hi all you lovely readers,

We are on the right track with the articles about the UserVoice website for Project Online, Microsoft Project and like minded software such as Planner.

And with the additional attention it’s getting, it would be great to get a number of items closed and implemented wouldn’t you say?

Continue reading UserVoice #5: Tell us more articles

UserVoice #4: Make Start and finish dates Read only

Hi reader,

Have you ever worked on a schedule and got the idea that Microsoft just loves to put blue calendar icon’s in front of every task you create? What’s up with that? Well, you created “soft constraints” on every task by manually entering a start or finish date.

For that reason Tom Henry, a person we might know for his blog and video contributions, started a UserVoice item to make Start and Finish dates read only.

Continue reading UserVoice #4: Make Start and finish dates Read only

What does Effort Driven do in Microsoft Project?

Hi reader,

Have you ever worked on a schedule and, when adding resources, wondered about this small little checkbox called “effort driven”? It’s a small checkbox that’s not always as visible as you might want it to be. And it has massive effects on a schedule.

This post discusses the effects of the Effort driven option.

Continue reading What does Effort Driven do in Microsoft Project?

Creating a risk matrix Power BI report for Project Online

Hi reader,Risk dice

Welcome to a first mixed effort for The Project Corner! You might already know I have a YouTube channel, in it I share how to guides and reporting magic. This article is a support article to the video I created recently. In this video I share a “easy” method to create a risk matrix report for Project Online.

Here is the embedded feed for the video:

A prerequisite for this is the Power BI content pack for Project Online. You can find more about this content pack here.

Let’s dive into the actions that are shown on the video. Continue reading Creating a risk matrix Power BI report for Project Online

Four things to know about the Power BI Content Pack for Project Online

At Ignite 2017, Microsoft presented a great new content pack for the Project Online Power BI combination. And after some initial issues with the launch it’s here to stay! I’m very excited about this new version of the Power BI content pack and I would like to share four things that you might not know yet.

Continue reading Four things to know about the Power BI Content Pack for Project Online

Best tools for Project Management: Microsoft Planner

Hi Readers,

A while back, I started a series of posts about the best tools for Project Microsoft Planner Logo
Management. Since then Microsoft created new applications and I would like to take a closer look at one of them: Microsoft Planner! Or how it’s also called: Planner or Planner for Office 365.

I’ll review Planner just like I did with Excel, Project and Project Server. Here goes: Continue reading Best tools for Project Management: Microsoft Planner