
I have done a couple of book reviews on Project (management) books. Below you will find a short summary review on the book as well as links to the post for the full review and a link to the product itself (by clicking the name of the book).

Books about project management

The GAO Schedule Assessment Guide. A free resource that you can download straight from the review page. It holds a number of great best practice approaches. Read the full review here.

The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management. This is the first best seller on the topic of Project Management I have read, and I do need to say that it is a best seller for a reason. I was particularly impressed with the risk management chapter (chapter 7: Risk management). Read the complete review here.

De projectsaboteur. A nice little Dutch book about the different kinds of people that will sabotage your project and why they do this. I have reviewed the book in this blog post.

Successful project management. Great source to combine Microsoft tools and the need for good project management. Interesting for proficient PM’s, a must read for starters in the Project Management world. You will find the full review here.

Delivering Exceptional Project Results. Concerning not only Project Management, but also Scope and Portfolio management. Items that need more attention in any company if you ask me. The book is divided in nice sections and have great user cases that could be appropriate to your company as well. Read the complete review here.

Books about Microsoft Project (server)

The Ultimate Application Administrator’s Guide for Project Online. It’s a big title, and it’s a big book. But it is also the best resource on Project Online administration in writing. The review can be found here.

Implementing and administering Microsoft Project Server 2013. This is a great asset to anyone that needs to be an administrator of the tool. I reviewed the book and gave it 5 out of 5 stars.

Proactive PPM with Microsoft Project 2013. A very well written, full color book about creating and maintaining project schedules within any Microsoft Project platform (stand alone, server or online). Find the complete review here.

Forecast Scheduling with Microsoft Project 2010 and 2013. The real deal! A massive book about using the tool, not just from the tool perspective. Focusing on creating correct schedules and why they should be created this way. I reviewed the 2010 book here, and the 2013 book here.

Dynamic Scheduling with MS Project 2010. Talks among other things about successfully using constraints and dependencies to create a schedule with the least amount of maintenance. You will find the full review here.

Project 2013 for dummies. No dummies should go without a yellow book on their shelf. If you are a MS Project dummy, this is the book for you. Enjoyable reading and some very nice tips and tricks. Reviewed very early on in the blog, here.

Books about anything else

During the course of this blog I have mentioned a couple of other books. Here is the short list including the posts that they got mentioned in.

Exam ref 70-331 Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013, mentioned here, and here.
Dr. Sleep by Stephen King. I mentioned the book in the 2013 statistics post.
Rich dad, Poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I mentioned the book in the getting organized again post.
The four hour body by Timothy Ferriss (I lost 10 KG thanks to this guy!). I mention the book in the 80-20 post.

Just a little disclaimer

I have blogged about all the products mentioned here, but I have produced none of them, all rights to the products belong to the rightful owners/writers/designers.