I’m done reading self-help books, here’s why

Here is a little off-topic rant that I wanted to publish for a while now. If you are a frequent visitor of the blog you know that I do book reviews on Project and portfolio management. But I used to read a lot of books in the self-help category as well. That stops right now, and let me tell you why.

Seven self-help books I’d recommend everyone to read.
Continue reading I’m done reading self-help books, here’s why

Affiliate links, lessons learned

Affiliate links no moreHello my lovely readers,

Today I want to share some blogging lessons with you, it’s unrelated to Microsoft Project or PPM. So if you are looking for info on that you might want to head back to the homepage and find another post (like Never delete a task for instance).

This post is about my experience with Affiliate links. And I wanted to share the info with you because there have been some changes to TPC based on the knowledge I have now. Continue reading Affiliate links, lessons learned

The resource page and its first update

Hi readers,

I recently made changes to my blog. One mayor change was the creation of a resource page for Microsoft Project information. The resource page was created because I thought there could be only this much I could tell you myself, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging.

On this specially created page you will be able to find links and descriptions to some of the best content there is on the web; regarding Microsoft Project, Project Server and Project Online.

Continue reading The resource page and its first update

Book reviews on Project management and MS Project (server)

Hi readers,

As a consultant I try to read and know as much as possible about the subjects I’m considered to be an expert in. Apart from blogs and Microsoft TechNet there is a whole universe of project (management) literature out there to suite just that need. This is why I started doing book reviews!

Continue reading Book reviews on Project management and MS Project (server)