Another week has passed, did you enjoy my last post? Let’s take a look at the Artificial Intelligence developments, specifically focussed on Project Management and the Project enthusiast.
Video Artificial Intelligence
I think everyone has some basic knowledge of getting a social media footprint. There are a lot of people seeking your attention at any given moment. And AI has jumped on that opportunity to facilitate a better experience for us all. Not so much related to Project management, but I’m curious to know what you think of this Short form video AI. It takes parts of earlier video’s I created, and uses that to make a SoMe short video of it that I can use to share on LinkedIn or Twitter.
If I wanted to create something similar, I’d need to spend at least an hour getting it right. Now with this AI it takes away a lot of the effort. More on this later!
The big pause
If you’ve watched the news, or have any fleeting interest regarding AI it shouldn’t have gone unnoticed that there was a request to Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter – Future of Life Institute. Big names are on the list, such as Elon Musk. But, although I agree that rules and guidelines should be in place for something so powerful. I don’t think it’s a good idea to ask for progress to be halted all together. Even if all big companies agree, and they should, there’s the off chance that a nefarious party with enough resources can continue the development. Outside “our” control.
That’s why I (also) agree with the response from our Sulava sister organisation. Here’s a small quote that I liked:
“We need responsible and open development environments, players and progress. But we do not need fake timeouts.”
– Aki Antman Source
The timeout only counts for those who listen, and I bet there are enough people not willing to listen.
And besides, AI has been around for quite some time, here’s a nice article on the history of AI: A Short History of Artificial Intelligence – Every
OKR Artificial Intelligence
Alright, with that out of the way, let’s focus on Project Management and AI again. Have you seen my review of Measure what matters? The book describes Objectives and Key Results and how they can help you and your company to achieve exceptional goals and keep people engaged.
Now, with a simple prompt you can generate these objectives and key results fast using the below link:
As with anything AI related, I think it’s important to take the results and finetune them using your knowledge of the business. This is another great example where AI takes away a large portion of the effort, and assist you with a first stepping stone to build on.
PlannerGPT and other Projectum activity
I’ve already mentioned Projectum’s engagements around AI in the previous post. And I’m happy to share another nugget of AI goodness. This time I’d like to share Christian’s work. He creates an AI powered Planner creator he dubbed the PlannerGPT. You can get the code and more insights from the URL below.
And that wasn’t even all that was done by people that work at Projectum. Peter writes for Forbes as well, and here’s his article containing 3 use cases for Project Management: How AI Is Revolutionizing Project Management: Three Use Cases (
GitHub’s CoPilotX
If you have any developers on your Project team, working with any coding language, you might have heard the name GitHub before. And if your project relies on speedy code development, you might want to jump onboard with CoPilotX. The previous version (Just CoPilot) was launched 2 years ago and has seen developers deliver 55% faster. I can’t wait to see the effects on the newer model. Read more about it here, there’s even a sign-up option:
GitHub Copilot X: The AI-powered developer experience | The GitHub Blog
Final Notes
I believe the theme of this week’s article is clear. Results coming from Artificial Intelligence should not be seen as the end goal. I don’t think it is even capable of delivering a feasible end product. I am really optimistic about AI, because I still see the value of human worth.
AI can, and probably will, become the best and fastest, most reliable assistant of your work. But I think YOU still need to take the next step to take what AI has created, from good, to GREAT.
A great quote I want to share with you:
The key is to employ strict and redundant human oversight whenever and however you decide to use ChatGPT, but especially in high-stakes situations where the information it spits back to you is meant to be used in any public, professional, or non-trivial way.
– Source
I’ll leave you with not something new, June 2022, but worth the read (28 pages): a PDF document called Artificial Intelligence in Project Management.