Another week has passed, did you enjoy my last post? Let’s take a look at the Artificial Intelligence developments, specifically focussed on Project Management and the Project enthusiast.
Continue reading The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #02Tag: Microsoft
The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #01
The world is changing, and the current world changer is Artificial Intelligence. How do we, as Project Management professionals adapt? This is the first of a weekly post regarding anything I can find related to Artificial Intelligence and the wider Project and Portfolio Management world.
Five Power BI visuals every PMO should apply, and why
Building clear and readable (Power BI) reports can make a big difference in project success. And, assisting Project Managers in this effort, a Project Management Office might apply Power BI to create these reports and maybe even dashboards.
On its own, Power BI is a great tool. But with the addition of custom visuals, it becomes even better.
I have reviewed a large number of visuals on my YouTube Channel, always with the mindset of helping the PMO be successful with Microsoft technology. In this article I’ll discuss 5 custom visuals I believe every PMO should apply. Let’s “get more visuals”!
Project for the web Feedback portal update July 2022
I’ve skipped over May and June, it has been a very busy time for me. And I didn’t want to rush any new post just for the sake of consistency.
Welcome to a special update post, today I want to zoom in on a specific Project for the web feature request. This request came in through one of the newsletter subscribers, Jared Kay (who makes lovely handmade American furniture). But first, let’s look at the progress of the other requests on the feedback portal.
Continue reading Project for the web Feedback portal update July 2022Project for the web Feedback portal update March 2022
Project for the web is a Microsoft cloud-based solution that gets new features regularly, as you might know from my YouTube series on the topic. This blog series is about the Feedback portal that we can use to let Microsoft know which new features to include in the product.
This is the second update since the introduction post. I will briefly look at the progress on previously mentioned feature requests and I will take a look at two additional features that might be interesting for Project for the web.
Continue reading Project for the web Feedback portal update March 2022Must start/finish on constraints with a twist
Hi readers,
A while back I got an interesting reply on one of my blog posts. A top contributor of one of the LinkedIn forums I frequently visit had an interesting view on the Must Start/finish constraints that I was not aware of yet. So here is a post dedicated to Sai Prasad describing this behavior. Continue reading Must start/finish on constraints with a twist
Excited for Anaheim Project Conference 2014
Hi readers,
I am excited! JSR has decided to send my CEO, Maurice Ausum (writer of the Office Corner) and me to go to Anaheim and visit the Project Conference 2014.
This is the event on Microsoft Project in the world. All the big names will be there including Gary and Eric.
Continue reading Excited for Anaheim Project Conference 2014