Excited for Anaheim Project Conference 2014

Hi readers,

I am excited! JSR has decided to send my CEO, Maurice Ausum (writer of the Office Corner) and me to go to Anaheim and visit the Project Conference 2014.

This is the event on Microsoft Project in the world. All the big names will be there including Gary and Eric.
Continue reading Excited for Anaheim Project Conference 2014

My view on ProjectOnline (including 2 great new features)

Microsoft launched their new Product Project Server 2013 in two distinct versions. We have a Project Server 2013 option, where the server is running on local application servers or hosted by third party suppliers. This is cheaper than the 2010 version because it now has only 1 dedicated database instead of 4. And the second option, closely linked to Office365, is called ProjectOnline. ProjectOnline is marketed as a completely new way to look at servers and gives the client the option to seriousy downsize their technical maintenance staff because Microsoft itself hosts the servers. Continue reading My view on ProjectOnline (including 2 great new features)

Book review: Project 2013 for dummies

Everyone knows the Dummies book series. And I do believe their goal (and slogan) is to “making everything easier”. Which is a great goal!

This book is a nice start to get to know Microsoft Project 2013 if you don’t like the more official/Microsoft step-by-step or inside out books. The book is composed of 5 parts that cover: getting started, resources, using baselines, tracking progress and finally a top 10 golden rules chapter.

I like the writing style because it’s really down to earth. However, sometimes I think it’s a bit too much and I want a more serious approach. But that is purely a taste thing I guess. Continue reading Book review: Project 2013 for dummies

Lost in translation – a Microsoft horror story

This is a post to vent some frustration, it will not give you new insights on MS Project or Project Server. However, if you are Dutch like me, it might make you smile. If you’re here to learn something try my series  on incorrect use of the product.

— Update August 2017 —

I’m happy to say that I now am part of the “Microsoft Office Language Quality” A Linked In group created with the help of Microsoft to support better language support trough out the world.
Continue reading Lost in translation – a Microsoft horror story