Building a scope creep view

Dominic Moss commented on the about baselines post with a nice suggestion. He talks about creating a view that shows a bar that gives the difference between actual finish dates and the proposed finish date captured in baseline(n). I told him that I would consider building this view and posting it on my blog. Today is that day Dominic, and I hope you like what I have done with your suggestion. Let’s build this:

Scope Creep View Finished
Continue reading Building a scope creep view

Building a custom UI for Microsoft Project 2013 ribbon

Hi Readers,

For a while now we got this great new menu structure called the ribbon. It was introduced to Office back in 2007 and Microsoft Project got the treatment in its 2010 installment. Microsoft even helped users that were used to the old menu with this handy link, that I tweeted about a lot in early 2011, that switches between the old 2007 and the “new” 2010 ribbon.

Continue reading Building a custom UI for Microsoft Project 2013 ribbon

Must start/finish on constraints with a twist

Hi readers,

A while back I got an interesting reply on one of my blog posts. A top contributor of one of the LinkedIn forums I frequently visit had an interesting view on the Must Start/finish constraints that I was not aware of yet. So here is a post dedicated to Sai Prasad describing this behavior. Continue reading Must start/finish on constraints with a twist

A Microsoft Project quick win post “fixing a task that doesn’t move”

Hi readers,

I would just like to share a quick post with you that is closely related to Flaw 1 in my series on incorrect use of Microsoft Project stand alone version. What I want to do here is a quick win post: One that you can read in 5 minutes, but makes your live a lot easier afterwards.

Continue reading A Microsoft Project quick win post “fixing a task that doesn’t move”

Building a view in Microsoft Project, the correct way

As a consultant I travel between lots of companies that use Microsoft Project. Most of the time they use the product as a standalone scheduling tool when I first visit them. The common case is that they have taught themselves how to use the product and most of the time things go relatively smoothly.

This is not the case with views. Views in Microsoft Project are almost always created poorly. This post will be about creating views and about maintaining them properly. Continue reading Building a view in Microsoft Project, the correct way

Building a visual custom field for late progress in MS Project professional

I got a respons on one of my earlier posts.

I have a task with a start date in the past, completion is 0% and the “i” column doesn’t show that calendars.

The “i” column or indicator column doesn’t show the information described in the comment. Here is the complete list of the indicators it does show. Any new indicators you need to build yourself using custom fields and graphical indicators. I’ll build the custom field and indicator using the new MS Project professional 2013 but it will work on just about any other version. Continue reading Building a visual custom field for late progress in MS Project professional