Book review: Microsoft Project 2013 The Missing manual

Hi Readers,The Missing manual cover

It’s been a while since I posted a book review. The last one was in Januari and was the Book review: Delivering Exceptional Project Results. Today I would like to review the book “Microsoft Project 2013 The missing manual” by Bonnie Biafore. We know Bonnie from a number of posts I did earlier; another book review and her guest post about multiple baselines.

Bonnie is an active trainer/author on a number of fields. She has writen 27 books (according to her own blog). Ranging from Project Management and Quickbooks to a thriller called Fresh Squeezed.

One reason why it took me so long to write another book review is because the sheer size of this pill, 786 pages thick! Let’s take a closer look at the book!

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Best tools for project management: Project Server

In this final post in the best tools for project management series I will take a close look at the Microsoft flagship; Project and Portfolio Management or PPM. This product comes in two variations: Project Server and Project Online, more on the difference between the two later. Earlier posts were about Excel, and Microsoft Project Professional. Continue reading Best tools for project management: Project Server

Best tools for project management: Microsoft Project

Hi Readers,

Microsoft Project 2016 logoWelcome to the second post about the best tools for project management. In the last post I discussed Excel. In this post I will take a closer look at Microsoft Project. To be precise, I will take a look at the tool Microsoft Project Professional 2013. The professional edition of the tool should always be used, Standard just doesn’t provide the same power and functionality. Continue reading Best tools for project management: Microsoft Project

Best tools for project management: Microsoft Excel

Hi there,

Microsoft Excel logoWelcome to the first post in a new series. In this series I take a close look at 3 Microsoft applications that help people in their Project Management efforts. As a consultant for Microsoft Project (Server) I come across the different maturity levels and I wanted to share my thoughts on the applications and their usefulness in different scenarios. Today I take a look at Microsoft Excel. Continue reading Best tools for project management: Microsoft Excel

What are the best tools for project management?

This is the introductory post of a three part series. In it I will give my view on what (Microsoft) product matches your expectations on Project Management software. I will include my own experience and links to Microsoft pages or other blogs to give you a complete overview.

Edition 26-10-2016: I did another review, this time for Microsoft Planner. Please find the link in the list below.

Continue reading What are the best tools for project management?

Book review: Delivering Exceptional Project Results

Another book about Project Management, written by Jamal Moustafaev (president and founder of Thinktank consulting, among other achievements). I bought this book back when EPM 2010 was brand new. The reason why I bought the book was simple; I was looking for a book that had more information on Portfolio management and particularly on Portfolio Selection. This was because the Project Server 2010 version has the portfolio selection module imbedded out of the box, and that was a separate product in earlier versions. I wanted to read up on Portfolio management because I thought it would become the next big thing in the Project Server world and I knew nothing about it. And the sub title triggered me to get this book: A practical guide to project selection, scoping, estimation and management. Sounds promising right?

———————-Update june 2015————

I have added some free content related to the book on the TPC_OneDrive, go have a look, and read the “read me” file please.


Continue reading Book review: Delivering Exceptional Project Results

Featured on The Microsoft Project Podcast

Hi readers,

Have you ever wondered “what does that Van Hurck guy actually sound like?”. Well fear not, I recently got a LinkedIn message from Prasanna Adavi:

“I wanted to invite you to be a guest for an episode on MS Project Podcast. Do you think you can do it?” Continue reading Featured on The Microsoft Project Podcast