About Earned Value Management

The Earned Value Report, about earned value managementHello readers,

By popular demand I write this post about a very interesting and already well documented technique within Project Management; called Earned Value Management or EVM for short. In the post I will focus on EVM in combination of Microsoft Project, Project Server and Project Online, because that’s what this blog is all about. Continue reading About Earned Value Management

What is a Work Breakdown Structure? – Guest post

Hi readers,

It has been a while since I asked someone to do a  guest post on The Project Corner, but here we go again. I asked my twitter buddy Michael Belfry (@MichaelBelfry) to write a post about the WBS. The WBS, or Work Breakdown Structure, has been mentioned before on the blog in my 5 incorrect way’s to use MS Project series. But I believe it could go with an upgrade and some more information for you, the readers. Continue reading What is a Work Breakdown Structure? – Guest post

About start dates in Microsoft Project, the video

Just a quick post to let you know I was recently contacted by the guys at Webucator about my about start dates in Microsoft Project post.

The about start dates post has been one of my most viewed posts to date (700+ views) and Webucator, a provider of Microsoft Project training, made a video tutorial about this post. Check it out: Continue reading About start dates in Microsoft Project, the video

Best tools for project management: Microsoft Project

Hi Readers,

Microsoft Project 2016 logoWelcome to the second post about the best tools for project management. In the last post I discussed Excel. In this post I will take a closer look at Microsoft Project. To be precise, I will take a look at the tool Microsoft Project Professional 2013. The professional edition of the tool should always be used, Standard just doesn’t provide the same power and functionality. Continue reading Best tools for project management: Microsoft Project

What are the best tools for project management?

This is the introductory post of a three part series. In it I will give my view on what (Microsoft) product matches your expectations on Project Management software. I will include my own experience and links to Microsoft pages or other blogs to give you a complete overview.

Edition 26-10-2016: I did another review, this time for Microsoft Planner. Please find the link in the list below.

Continue reading What are the best tools for project management?

Introducing the free TPC OneDrive

Exciting news! I have just created an outlook e-mail address. And (you may be aware of this) Microsoft provides every outlook.com user with a OneDrive file share with 5 GB of free storage. I call it the TPC OneDrive (TPC as in The Project Corner of course).

TPC OneDrive cloud storage


Continue reading Introducing the free TPC OneDrive