Introducing the free TPC OneDrive

Exciting news! I have just created an outlook e-mail address. And (you may be aware of this) Microsoft provides every user with a OneDrive file share with 5 GB of free storage. I call it the TPC OneDrive (TPC as in The Project Corner of course).

TPC OneDrive cloud storage


Continue reading Introducing the free TPC OneDrive

The Office templates within Microsoft Project

Hi there readers,

First of all, let me thank all of you. I just reached 11K views since I started this blog in Q3 2013. Amazing, thank you all for reading the blog.

This post has been on my mind for quite some time now, ever since I wrote the 80-20 blogpost. Microsoft offers a number of standard templates trough their service that can be reached via the application. There are templates for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and even Microsoft Project. Great! But, have you ever taken a look at what is there? Me neither, so let’s take a look together.

— Supplements —

Erik here, I took a close look at all the comments and decided to upload the 5 templates I discussed in this article to the Project Corner OneDrive. There seems to be an issue with the templates where some people are unable to access them. I also found out that people were searching for MS Project Budget templates, so I created a post about this.

Please feel free to download any of the files that are on The Project Corner OneDrive. Hope you enjoy the rest of the post.

—end of supplements—

Continue reading The Office templates within Microsoft Project