Video 100! Everything you need to know about Project for the web

It’s been a journey, but I’ve made it! Just like Post #100, I will celebrate video #100 with a blogpost of it’s own. On the 14th of December (2022) I published my 100th video on YouTube! You can view it here or jump over to YouTube and view it there of course 😁.

Video 100! on how to (use) Project for the web
Continue reading Video 100! Everything you need to know about Project for the web

Introducing the free TPC OneDrive

Exciting news! I have just created an outlook e-mail address. And (you may be aware of this) Microsoft provides every user with a OneDrive file share with 5 GB of free storage. I call it the TPC OneDrive (TPC as in The Project Corner of course).

TPC OneDrive cloud storage


Continue reading Introducing the free TPC OneDrive