Introducing the free TPC OneDrive

Exciting news! I have just created an outlook e-mail address. And (you may be aware of this) Microsoft provides every user with a OneDrive file share with 5 GB of free storage. I call it the TPC OneDrive (TPC as in The Project Corner of course).

TPC OneDrive cloud storage


I created this e-mail address to share valuable files with all of you. Any time I believe I find a free resource that could proof valuable to you I will add it to the file share, including some notes if necessary. You will need to have a Live account to be able to access these files. So make sure you have one of those.

The different levels in TPC OneDrive access

Now here’s the deal, there is an “everyone page” and there is a “membership” page only accessible to people that start following TPC by signing up to the newsletter.

Here is the link to the everyone page:

Current content of the TPC_files:

  • Read me file with source information. I find most files on the internet and would like to redirect you to the content creators if I can.
  • The updated and improved Excel reports for Excel 2010 and 2013 (work with English version of the client) (reference post here).
  • Prasanna’s Step by Step guide to create a wonderful Timesheet status report
  • Microsoft Project Server 2013 Administrators Guide
  • OLAP Cube Schemas for EPM 2010
  • The Microsoft Project Templates mentioned in this post.
  • And more! Read the “readme file” for the complete list.


The extra’s you get with the membership page:

  • The Project Corner UI (mentioned in this post)
  • The e-mail address to get in touch with me, for blog suggestions or sharing free content of your own.
  • And more!

So how do you get to the membership page? It’s easy, just sign up with the newsletter and you will be redirected to a page with all the information you’ll need. So what are you waiting for? Get instant access to extra free content!

TPC Newsletter

17 thoughts on “Introducing the free TPC OneDrive”

  1. Excellent initiative Erik! 1 remark and 1 question.
    Remark: the 4 documents return an error when we try to access them. Only the Excel templates work.
    Question: how do we become a member and follow your blog without WordPress account?

    1. Hi Guillaume, the Excel templates are the best ;-). I will look into the other files directly.

      Uhm I’m not sure how, sorry. I understand this can be an issue. Maybe another user can comment on this thread as well. And I will also look into this myself.

      I’ll get back to you soon, and thank you for commenting so quick!

      Kind regards,

    2. Hi again,
      What error did you receive? And what browser are you using? I tried to reproduce the issue but could not get an error on 3 different machines and accounts.

      I have not found a way to follow the blog without creating a free WordPress account. Probably I will create a *.com blog in the future and get an e-mail list in place, but for now I believe it is the only way.

      Hope to welcome you to the followers group soon Guillaume.

  2. Does anyone know how to display remaining work on the resource usage report with month to month breakdown in project 2010? Thank you!

    1. Hello Catherine,

      Although completely off topic the answer I would give would be to:
      – right click on the middle bar (where you see the text “work” for all rows)
      – and select “remaining work” as additional option.
      – And after that you would set the timescale for the right side to a monthly basis.

      Does that solve your question? Thanks for taking the time to reach out.


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