New to TPC? Let’s recap

Hello reader! Welcome to The Project Corner, or how I have started calling it in more recent articles and video’s: TPC.

❤ TPC even has a logo ❤

What originally started out as a blog related to Microsoft Project and Project Server grew into a place for me to discuss anything related to Microsoft Project and Portfolio Management. This includes much more than just those two applications and even extends beyond this WordPress blog that you are now on.

One of my readers requested a place to find all the best content related to TPC. And this article is my attempt to provide such a place.

More than “just a blog”

The first article ever published was on the 30th of August 2013. And after almost a decade of blogging on a regular basis, there are 150+ articles on the site.

And that’s just the blog.

Five incorrect way’s to use Microsoft Project stand alone version

In 2015 I gathered all the content I created for the blog and created a new Outlook account that has a OneDrive storage. There is a free section that contains a large portion of free Project related content. And there is a subscribers section. The subscribtion is tied to a newsletter I started in 2017, now serving well over 900 people on a regular basis.

And in April 2018 I published my first video on the TPC YouTube Channel. Which is now my main outlet of content, closing in on 90 video’s already!

Return topics, that grew into categories

Over the years, a couple topics kept returning. As a consultant I need to keep my knowledge up to date. Which meant that I’d read books regarding Project Server, Resource Management and all things related. And when you read a book, and have a blog… why not write a review, right? This turned into the book reviews category.

Sometimes I would stumble on a topic that required a deep dive analysis. Which would turn into an article that contains all the content I could find on the topic as well as my personal experiences. These are the “About” articles.

I am fully aware that I’m not the only voice in the Microsoft PPM ecosystem. And I’ve been lucky enough to have met some of my personal hero’s. I colaborated with a couple of them on this Blog (and others). These turned into Guest posts.

And I’m taking much interest regarding the Power Platform, and my articles related to Power Apps I dubbed “Power Apps Baby steps”. And even though there isn’t a lot there yet, I believe this will be a big part of the future in regards to the TPC blog.

The top 5 on The Project Corner blog

When looking at the top 5 articles on the TPC blog I like to look at last years stats. With over 150+ articles I think I can be a little picky regarding the content that’s “ever green” and these 5 articles fit that bill perfectly.

#Article name and link# visits in 2021
13 favorite Microsoft Project reports5,782
2What does Effort Driven do in Microsoft Project?2,928
3About Percent Complete in Microsoft Project2,533
4Backwards scheduling vs Deadlines2,384
5Creating a risk matrix Power BI report for Project Online1,716
The top articles on TPC blog.

TPC blog explores Generative AI

21 articles and growing (almost) every week. In March 2023 I made the decision to look into the AI craze.

On a weekly basis I’m investigating how Generative AI can assist you. Where I’m focussing on the Project Management Office (PMO).

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) can have significant benefits for a Project Management Office (PMO) employee. Here’s why it’s important for you to be aware of Generative AI.

Firstly, Generative AI can greatly enhance the decision-making process. It has the ability to analyze vast amounts of project data and generate insights that might not be immediately apparent to humans. By leveraging Generative AI, PMO employees can make more informed decisions based on accurate and comprehensive analysis. This can lead to improved project outcomes and better resource allocation.

Secondly, Generative AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks within the PMO. By taking care of such tasks, PMO employees can free up their time and focus on more strategic activities. Tasks like report generation, data analysis, and progress tracking can be automated, allowing PMO employees to be more productive and efficient. This automation can also help in achieving consistency and reducing the risk of errors.

Lastly, Generative AI can assist PMO employees in risk management. It can analyze historical project data, identify patterns, and predict potential risks. By having this information readily available, PMO employees can proactively mitigate and address risks, ensuring smoother project execution. With Generative AI, project risks can be identified earlier, and appropriate measures can be taken to minimize their impact, ultimately leading to better project outcomes.

The top 5 on The Project Corner vlog (YouTube)

Ever green is more difficult to achieve in the video content situation I believe. But one of my early video’s is still doing remarkably well in terms of return visitors. Because I can’t share any of the total visitors / watch hours in this section I’ll just post the top 5 (and you should just take my word for it 🙂 ).

#Video name and link
1GANTT chart visuals in Power BI
23 additional Power BI GANTT charts
3Creating a Risk matrix in Power BI for Project Online
4Timeline visuals in Power BI
5How to connect Microsoft Teams to Project Online
The top 5 video’s on the TPC YouTube channel

And just like with the blog, here’s a little love for my latest video which describes the top 5 tips any PMO should know regarding Power BI:

My latest video on YouTube.

The top 5 on MPUG

The Microsoft Project User Group is a global community with a lot of contributors and monthly content.

I have been a contributor myself for a couple of years, and the contributions range from articles to webinars. And even a colaborative article with author Eric Uyttewaal. I don’t yet have actual numbers, so here are my favorite 5 contributions.

#Article name and link
1The Innovative PPM World – How Microsoft is Changing the Project Management Game (webinar)
2Mastering Microsoft Project Visualization (3 part webinar course)
3Common Issues in Project Management #3: Micromanaging the Team
48 Tips for Introducing Project 2016 into Your Organization (fits later versions as well)
55 Things to Know about Microsoft Project Baselines
The top 5 MPUG content.

And the latest MPUG entry I have been a part of is this webinar regarding 3 tips to Power Automate your Project Management work.

Final thoughts

Thank you for reading! I hope you will return to TPC and keep learning, together with me, everything there is to know about Microsofts Project and Portfolio Management applications.

And if, just in case, you want to have a meeting to discuss something specific to the blog or YouTube channel; I recently opened up for the opertunity with a Meet with Erik option.