Building a visual custom field for late progress in MS Project professional

I got a respons on one of my earlier posts.

I have a task with a start date in the past, completion is 0% and the “i” column doesn’t show that calendars.

The “i” column or indicator column doesn’t show the information described in the comment. Here is the complete list of the indicators it does show. Any new indicators you need to build yourself using custom fields and graphical indicators. I’ll build the custom field and indicator using the new MS Project professional 2013 but it will work on just about any other version. Continue reading Building a visual custom field for late progress in MS Project professional

What’s your status? Forgetting to set a status date (flaw 7)

Hey there,

Here is the second addition to my series on incorrect use of Microsoft Project stand alone version. It started as a list with 5 most common mistakes people use during there scheduling experiences, however some people have suggested additional flaws, this flaw was also hinted by Swagato Bandyopadhyay, thanks again, and hope you like this post as well. Continue reading What’s your status? Forgetting to set a status date (flaw 7)

Internet Explorer 11, Windows 8.1 and Project Server 2013.

Hey people,

This is a very specific post only useful for the lucky few. Answer the following questions with Yes and this post will be for you:

  1. Do you have a Project Server 2013 tennent running in your company?
  2. Do you use a Windows 8.1 tablet or desktop?
  3. Are you using Internet Explorer 11 (comes with Windows 8.1)? Continue reading Internet Explorer 11, Windows 8.1 and Project Server 2013.

Using predecessors in Summary tasks (flaw 6)

Hey People,

Let me start by thanking you for some of the great responses I got on my serries on incorrect way’s to use Microsoft Project stand alone version. Most people agreed on the flaws I noted in the series of blogs, and some had additions to the flaws.

I have picked a number of additional flaws, that I believe need to be discussed. Today I’ll post my thoughts on linking summary tasks. This flaw was suggested by Swagato Bandyopadhyay, thank you, I hope you like what I did with your suggestion. Continue reading Using predecessors in Summary tasks (flaw 6)

Lost in translation – a Microsoft horror story

This is a post to vent some frustration, it will not give you new insights on MS Project or Project Server. However, if you are Dutch like me, it might make you smile. If you’re here to learn something try my series  on incorrect use of the product.

— Update August 2017 —

I’m happy to say that I now am part of the “Microsoft Office Language Quality” A Linked In group created with the help of Microsoft to support better language support trough out the world.
Continue reading Lost in translation – a Microsoft horror story

Not using the baseline functionality (flaw 5)

Hi there,

This is my last post in my series about incorrect way’s to use Microsoft Project stand alone version. In it I have discussed some of the common flaws people run into when using the Project application. This post will be about the baseline functionality, it is often forgotten or ignored by project managers. I will be talking about why you should want to have a baseline in your project. Again this is a very theoretical subject and you should always check with your company if there are any policies regarding baselining a project. Continue reading Not using the baseline functionality (flaw 5)