Project Server workflows, do or don’t?

Here we are again!

This is the third, and final Guest post, written by colleague and Project server workflows enthusiast Hester Blok. Stick around, because as I already mention in the first post: there is a special reason for Hester to do these guest posts on The Project Corner. Here we go with: Project Server workflows, do or don’t?

Did you say Workflows?

Continue reading Project Server workflows, do or don’t?

Workflows for Project Server part II – Guest post

Hi readers,

It’s been 2 weeks, and there was a good deal of traffic coming in for the previous Workflow related guest post. Here is the second post, this time a short but very usefull one, written earlier by Hester Blok on her own blog. Here we go: Continue reading Workflows for Project Server part II – Guest post

About the Unassigned Resource

Hi readers,

This post is another very specific one, related to a strange phenomenon in Project Server reports that I wanted to dive into and solve. If you do not experience the Unassigned Resource mystery yourself, but found my blog because you are interested in Project Online (for instance) maybe these posts will be of interest to you: The book reviews, The Project Virtual Conference, The Project Corner OneDrive or the other “About posts”.

If you are experiencing the Unassigned Resource situation, you might want to stick around, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Continue reading About the Unassigned Resource

Workflows for project server 2013 – Guest post

For those of you that have checked the Resources page on TPC you already know this guest blogger. Hester Blok is a collegue of mine at JSR in The Netherlands, and also has a small blog on a niche subject in a niche market: Workflows for project server 2013. She has decided to stop blogging and wanted to preserve a few gems she created by adding them to The Project Corner. Without further ado, here’s Hester with “Workflows for Project Server 2013”. Continue reading Workflows for project server 2013 – Guest post

2015, some statistics

Hi readers,
2016 already, wow! I hope you had a wonderful time during the December festivities. As always thank you for visiting, reading, sharing, Tweeting, Linking and Liking the blog, you guys are awesome! 2015 has been an amazing, productive and all out interesting year for me, and just like I did when I started the blog in 2013 and again in 2014 I would like to share some statistics with you. And of course, WordPress provided it’s own summary of the blog that you can find here. Continue reading 2015, some statistics

Book review: The Proactive Team Members Guide to using Project Online

The proactive team members guide to using MS ProjectHere is another Book review. This time the book revolves around a special focus point: The Team Members. Written by Kenneth Steiness, who we know from the other book review I did and his activity at the Project Virtual Conference.
Continue reading Book review: The Proactive Team Members Guide to using Project Online