2016, some statistics

Hi readers, and welcome to another year!

2017, it’s going to be a great year with a lot of exciting new developments I’m sure. But let’s take a last look at 2016 and what happened on The Project Corner Blog, and with Erik van Hurck in general.

Best post, best month, best tweet

This time I would like to focus not only on a general outline of the year. But let’s take a look at some of the successes. The general outline for 2016 is excellent! in total close to 15,400 visitors and a total of more than 25,000 page visits! Continue reading 2016, some statistics

A new challenge

Hi Readers,

Sorry for the radio silence the last few weeks. I’d like to post regularly but I’ve had a full agenda the last 2 months that didn’t permit me to write as frequently as I’d like. In this post I’d like to share one of the big changes that has happened. And also a heads up what’s coming and finally the winner of the book contest! But first: Continue reading A new challenge

2015, some statistics

Hi readers,
2016 already, wow! I hope you had a wonderful time during the December festivities. As always thank you for visiting, reading, sharing, Tweeting, Linking and Liking the blog, you guys are awesome! 2015 has been an amazing, productive and all out interesting year for me, and just like I did when I started the blog in 2013 and again in 2014 I would like to share some statistics with you. And of course, WordPress provided it’s own summary of the blog that you can find here. Continue reading 2015, some statistics