Great sources of PMO-AI training material

Welcome back to another post on Generative AI, and how it can assist you as part of the Project and Portfolio management workforce. In this 22nd post on the topic, I’m taking a different approach. I’d like to share some great free sources that you can visit to learn more about (Generative) AI.

A person looking for all the options to learn about Generative AI as a Project Manager
A person looking for all the options to learn about Generative AI as a Project Manager –

Microsoft training material

Here are 3 great free courses to get you started with the Microsoft Azure AI solutions:

The Microsoft Learn platform is a great place to start when it comes to applying AI in your organization. There are step-by-step guides, tech documentation and some training courses even have virtual labs that you can jump into and get hands-on experience with setting up a Machine Learning model.

I try to keep up with the courses on AI on Microsoft Learn as much as I can. Mainly because I think Azure OpenAI is the place where organizations will go to when adopting a company-specific AI strategy. I’ve discussed the need for secure storage of your data in the previous blog posts already, take a look at parts 1 to 4 here:

PMI free training course

PMI has been an institute of knowledge regarding Project and Portfolio Management for as long as I can remember (and likely much longer). That’s why I wanted to share this training course specifically with you:

The Project Management Institute created a nice overview for Project Managers.

Parts of the course are basic knowledge, but there is a key focus on the Project Management world as you’d expect. Let me know if you finished the course, I’d like to hear your thoughts on it.

YouTube content

As a YouTube content creator myself, it would have been strange if I didn’t include the largest source of free video tutorial content in the world, right?

The first 2 blocks are playlists related to prompt engineering. I believe this is one of the key skills everyone should be working on, because it is so important when working with AI. The mantra “bad imput = bad output” (or any other version you prefer) holds true to Generative AI.

A good prompt is worth a thousand words, and maybe it should be a thousand words before it is actually good 😁(you can quote me on that).

9 videos related to prompt engineering.
A collection of 13 videos related to prompt engineering.
A long form video regarding prompt engineering.

Final notes

Normally I would have a “prompt for PMO interest” section. But I’ve turned this around and started asking people to provide their prompts of interest. So far, not much has come in. Do you have a prompt you’d like to share? Click on the link and complete the short questionnaire.

Also, I’d love to hear your thoughts on Generative AI. Feel free to share some of your thoughts through LinkedIn or Twitter (X).