Hi readers,
This will be the last Project Conference aftermath weekend post, all video’s are posted on the Channel 9 website. So be sure to download and view any video’s that are of interest to you. The last post on the Project Conference will be about 2 level 400 video’s I watched and couldn’t leave undiscussed. Also I would like to give you a heads-up on some book reviews that will be coming this year.
The video’s
Advanced Task Mode: Manually Schedule vs. Auto Schedule, How Hard Can It Be? By Dan Renier
Wow, just wow. I didn’t know the manually and auto scheduled functionality could provide for such an interesting video presentation. Not in the least because Dan sound like a younger version of Nicolas Cage on the recording. Dan Renier has put serious effort in describing the Manually scheduled task mode and made an excellent presentation that walks you through the fine print. It is a level 400 presentation but I believe it is a must view for any user of Microsoft Project versions 2010 and up.
Microsoft Project Server 2013 Supercharged – Performance, scalability and architectural improvements by Chris Elwell.
This is Chris’ first time to interact with customers, at least that is his introduction. But! He does the presentation swimmingly. This is a great presentation if you are a Project Server 2010 (or earlier) application administrator and would like to go for the new version. The presentation takes about 45 minutes and is really a specialist focused presentation. Don’t try and view this presentation if you are completely new to the system or haven’t read the book about implementing and administrating project server.
The books
I had a great time chatting with Bonnie Biafore, we got connected through a few LinkedIn discussions and at Anaheim we discussed her books and something special for The Project Corner (more information will be available later). She has a lot of books that are worth mentioning, visit her site for a complete bibliography. She had two books that were particularly interesting to me to do reviews on because I heard good things about them.
Here are the titles:
Successful Project Management: Applying Best Practices and Real-World Techniques with Microsoft Project (currently reading)
Microsoft Project 2013: The Missing Manual by Bonnie Biafore
I also had a few meetings with the guys at Sensei Project solutions. They had just published a new book and wanted me to do a review on it. It’s a really good looking book (first impressions). All pictures are full color and High def. I will really enjoy reading it.
Here is the title (I do love me some long titles haha):
Proactive PPM with Microsoft Project 2013 for Project Server and Project Online
And finally I got a copy of the “What’s new in Project 2013” book by the guys at MSProjectExperts. It was a gift all Project conference attendees got so Microsoft was generous this year. I’ll do a short review on that book as well.
Final notes
I had a great time in Anaheim, the project conference is a huge drive to get cracking at providing better services at our clients. Also it is a great way to get in touch with Microsoft and their best partners world wide. I hope to see you all (again) at the next conference. Make sure to say hello if you see me!
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