Hi readers,
I love the “myPC” tool that Microsoft used to evaluate and present the sessions. Attendees can add a session to their calander and share it with other attendees and even schedule meetings (like I did with Cindy Lewis).
Further more,
it gives me the option to view the session replay’s after the event. Now this is great because I can view the sessions that I missed because it overlapped other important sessions.
Here are the titles of sessions I followed during my own “project conference aftermath weekend part 1”. And I do mean part 1 because there will be another weekend (maybe 2) because there is just so much data to process.
Lego, only the best is good enough
An enspiring presentation that show’s Lego’s roadmap to building a PMO. Also relating strongly on the Gartner PPM maturity model, lovely! But also the Projectum application Resource Manager; A great tool that I have implemented myself and would love to discuss in a later post in more detail.
Breaking bad project management
Presented in part by Dux Raymond Sy, who is absolutely an awesome public speaker. If you need advice on presenting something Project or SharePoint related yourself, have a look at a couple of his presentations on SharePoint, or ofcourse Project Server. This also goes for Tom Henry, who presented about wave planning on day 2, also a great presenter, very energetic. About the presentation, it focusses on 3 common issues when attempting to manage projects. It shows the different tools available for the PM and PMO and looks at how far you can stretch each tool to facilitate the roles in an effective way. It is a great birds eye view on how the Microsoft universe provides a solution for a lot of different project and portfolio management needs.
Project Report Cards – Using Statistical Methods to evaluate Project Managers based on Schedule and Resource best practices
A good presentation that has some amazing best practices (including reading Forecast Scheduling by Eric Uyttewaal). It starts with summing up a few key eliments and after that dives deeper in how to report on these key eliments. The presenter has a nice baseline suggestion that I would love to share as soon as the video comes available. I love the title of a slide half way trough the presentation “what drives the metrics? If no one is listening, do we care?”, so true.
I wish I had more time to share more video reviews with you. But hey, it wouldn’t be called an aftermath weekend if I watched during the weekdays now would it? Haha. And besides I have a lovely lady at home that needs atention too. Next week I will share more reviews. Take care, and thank you for reading.
Edit 28 feb 2014: All video’s are online! Click here to visit the Channel 9 page.
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