Aim for the flagship, but implement the rubber boat

What’s this, Erik? Did you switch profession and go for the open seas? No, no, don’t worry, this is still very much a “help the PMO succeed” article. Let’s dig in, to a topic that comes up in a shape or form in every customer engagement.

Cover image for implementing the rubber boat instead of the flagship.
Obviously, it’s a chatGPT generated image.
Continue reading Aim for the flagship, but implement the rubber boat

What does Effort Driven do in Microsoft Project?

Hi reader,

Have you ever worked on a schedule and, when adding resources, wondered about this small little checkbox called “effort driven”? It’s a small checkbox that’s not always as visible as you might want it to be. And it has massive effects on a schedule.

This post discusses the effects of the Effort driven option.

Continue reading What does Effort Driven do in Microsoft Project?

Book review: Forecast scheduling with Microsoft Project 2013

In the time I was busy settling in, in my new role as a dad I got an interesting offer. I was asked by Eric Uyttewaal to join the team to review his new book pre-release. A chance to get my hands on a book before it even hit the shelves, cool! Needless to say I took the opportunity with both hands.

Today the book came in the mail, crispy new. Sadly, this is all I have to show for my reviewing actions, due to limited time as a new dad, and some e-mail trouble, only 3 of the 13 chapters I reviewed got to the team. That’s the reason, I believe, you will not find me in the acknowledgements on page 3.

Continue reading Book review: Forecast scheduling with Microsoft Project 2013