What’s this, Erik? Did you switch profession and go for the open seas? No, no, don’t worry, this is still very much a “help the PMO succeed” article. Let’s dig in, to a topic that comes up in a shape or form in every customer engagement.
Continue reading Aim for the flagship, but implement the rubber boatTag: Best practices Microsoft Project
What does Effort Driven do in Microsoft Project?
Hi reader,
Have you ever worked on a schedule and, when adding resources, wondered about this small little checkbox called “effort driven”? It’s a small checkbox that’s not always as visible as you might want it to be. And it has massive effects on a schedule.
This post discusses the effects of the Effort driven option.
Continue reading What does Effort Driven do in Microsoft Project?
Book review: Forecast scheduling with Microsoft Project 2013
In the time I was busy settling in, in my new role as a dad I got an interesting offer. I was asked by Eric Uyttewaal to join the team to review his new book pre-release. A chance to get my hands on a book before it even hit the shelves, cool! Needless to say I took the opportunity with both hands.
Today the book came in the mail, crispy new. Sadly, this is all I have to show for my reviewing actions, due to limited time as a new dad, and some e-mail trouble, only 3 of the 13 chapters I reviewed got to the team. That’s the reason, I believe, you will not find me in the acknowledgements on page 3.
Continue reading Book review: Forecast scheduling with Microsoft Project 2013