Hi readers,
Happy new year! And welcome to an exciting 2015, may it bring you all the best! Thank you for visiting my blog, thank you for reading, following and sharing. You guys are awesome! Just like 2013, some statisticsthe 2013 post, I would like to start the year with a view into the past year and to the future goals with the blog. 2014 was the first full year of blogging for me. I had set some goals and achieved all of them:
- I wanted to have 50 views per week, and by Juli I reached 200 views every week!
- I wanted to have 25 followers, I now have 50+
- I wanted to have a total of 50 posts and I did it. This was number 50.
I think I need to up the stakes a bit for this year :), I’ll come back to the goals at the end of this post. It has been a very, very exiting year for me, two personal changes dominated the year of course: I got married to my lovely wife Mirjam, and we became parents. On a professional note I had some great clients; I helped some of them move to a newer version of Project Server, others were new to Project Server all together. We even had a client that linked the SAP financial system to Project Server.
Changes to the blog
In 2013 I created the blog and with it I designed a few pages to go with it. I redesigned these pages in the hopes to give you all a better blog reading experience. I’m especially happy with the resources page, which include links to some of the greatest content on Microsoft Project on the internet. It also has links to great content on my own blog and book reviews. I also started to create longer and richer content for the blog. Where I used to write posts with just under 600 words I now try to create content with up to 2K words. I did this after reading an interesting post on the SPI website that I frequently visit to get advise on blogging. Pat, if you ever read this post: thanks for the great content!
And one last small change to the blog was adding a search option and a book of the month image. The blog is already at 50+ posts and content might be harder to reach without an easy search option. And because the book reviews are a mayor part of my blog I wanted to show extra attention to a book I reviewed, clicking on the image will redirect you to Amazon to get a copy of the book. However you could also search for the book on my site to see the review I did.
Blog statistics
On to the statistics. In total there are 51 posts on the site. There have been 14K visits to posts on the site, with more than 5 thousand visitors in total! Just like last year The Netherlands and USA are the top visitors. But I got almost the whole world watching the blog (please could someone visit Greenland and access my blog for me this year? :)):
MPUG and the great boost
In March I was contacted by Rose at MPUG, she wanted to feature some of my posts on their blog and share them into the newsletter. Naturally I was thrilled, this was a part of the mail she sent me:
“We send out a newsletter every week to thousands of PM professionals with a featured article about MS Project.”
Thousands of PM professionals would get a direct link to my articles, a dream opportunity for every blogger. At the end of the year 6 of my 7 flaw articles were featured. And I am already talking to Rose too check if she is interested in sharing some of the other posts as well.
The newsletters were very successful, people now had an extra channel to access my site. Here’s what happened in March when the first post got featured:
WordPress’ own statistics
I had already written this post when I got a nice mail from our friends at wordpress. Here’s an excerpt:
The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 14,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 5 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.
What’s to come in 2015?
Honestly? I don’t have a clue, but it will be amazing! I do have some posts already lined up, and I’m planning to do a theme change, moving to a more modern look, where there is more focus on the articles (suggestions are welcome).
The goals for this year:
- 50 new posts
- 4 new book reviews (already have them lined up)
- At least 4 Project Online posts
- 50 daily visitors
Did you set your own Project goals for this year? Passing the PMP exam for instance? Let me know in the comments. That’s it for this post I hope you enjoyed reading about the progress The Project Corner is making, and I hope you will return to become one of the 50 visitors some day :).
Kind regards,
Erik van Hurck
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