Hi readers,
Just a short post to get the attention: At the beginning of last week I Tweeted and LinkedIn(ed?) my followers that I was going to do an update on my resources page. This page is my favorite spot on the blog, because it not only holds my own best content but also some great content from other bloggers. In the messages I asked you to share your own favorites.
I’ve added the blogs: ThinkEPM, PPM Works and Sam Hufmann’s “WinProjBlog” to the page. Also a new website was added to the page: PMConnection a great source for MS Project, Project Server and Project Management.
I was hoping for some great video content, and maybe a Twitter reference, but I didn’t have enough material to create a section. The only item I found useful was the Project Webcasts: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/projectwebcast/
That’s it, head on over to the Resource page, and get the best content there is :).
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