The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #03

Week number 3 already? How are you enjoying these weekly posts regarding Artificial Intelligence and the PMO / Project Management? Let’s see what happened this last couple of days in the land of rapid development and innovation!

Pablo Picasso painting with Bing AI
Pablo Picasso painting of the Project Management Office – Bing AI

Oh my, I really like this one! But you don’t want to see the other 3 pictures the AI generated, trust me.

Continue reading The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #03

Five Power BI visuals every PMO should apply, and why

Building clear and readable (Power BI) reports can make a big difference in project success. And, assisting Project Managers in this effort, a Project Management Office might apply Power BI to create these reports and maybe even dashboards.

On its own, Power BI is a great tool. But with the addition of custom visuals, it becomes even better.

I have reviewed a large number of visuals on my YouTube Channel, always with the mindset of helping the PMO be successful with Microsoft technology. In this article I’ll discuss 5 custom visuals I believe every PMO should apply. Let’s “get more visuals”!

The Get more visuals menu in Power BI.
Access to the AppSource menu in Power BI.
Continue reading Five Power BI visuals every PMO should apply, and why