Project Home, Roadmap and now the new Project for the Web

At the time of writing there’s a considerable buzz happening around “something new” to the Microsoft PPM offering. You might have seen Project Home and Roadmap already. And just recently (as of October 2019) a new Project experience is introduced: Project for the Web.

And a little disclaimer: I started this post end of November 2019 but due to a busy work schedule, move to a new house and subsequent flu outbreak only got to finishing it today. So, as this is the first real post of 2020: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Continue reading Project Home, Roadmap and now the new Project for the Web

Connecting the islands with Project Roadmaps

Hi Reader,

Tracking GanttDuring Ignite 2018 a lot was announced, in the previous post I even called it the big change. One of the biggest things that’s coming soon is called Project Roadmaps. And in this post I would like to shed some light on what the new feature is and what we can expect from it. Continue reading Connecting the islands with Project Roadmaps