Project for the web Feedback portal update July 2022

I’ve skipped over May and June, it has been a very busy time for me. And I didn’t want to rush any new post just for the sake of consistency.

Welcome to a special update post, today I want to zoom in on a specific Project for the web feature request. This request came in through one of the newsletter subscribers, Jared Kay (who makes lovely handmade American furniture). But first, let’s look at the progress of the other requests on the feedback portal.

Continue reading Project for the web Feedback portal update July 2022

Project for the web Feedback portal update April 2022

New features come in monthly. And for Project for the web there’s a Feedback portal that we can use to let Microsoft know what to build next. This is the fourth post in the series regarding the Feedback portal. And if you have been following along you might already know what’s coming. Previous posts can be found here, here and here.

For all the rest of you, I’ll look at previously discussed feature requests. And I’ll pick a new one and discuss the feature. If it’s a cool feature you might want to vote for it, it helps Microsoft focus on creating the features we want in the tool.

Continue reading Project for the web Feedback portal update April 2022

Project for the web Feedback portal update March 2022

Project for the web is a Microsoft cloud-based solution that gets new features regularly, as you might know from my YouTube series on the topic. This blog series is about the Feedback portal that we can use to let Microsoft know which new features to include in the product.

This is the second update since the introduction post. I will briefly look at the progress on previously mentioned feature requests and I will take a look at two additional features that might be interesting for Project for the web.

Continue reading Project for the web Feedback portal update March 2022

Project for the web Feedback portal update Feb 2022

Project for the web is a Microsoft cloud-based solution that gets new features regularly, as you might know from my YouTube serries on the topic. This blog series is about the Feedback portal that we can use to let Microsoft know which new features to include in the product.

This is the first update since the introduction post. I will briefly look at the progress on previously mentioned feature requests and I will take a look at two additional features that might be interesting for Project for the web.

Continue reading Project for the web Feedback portal update Feb 2022

The New Feedback Portal

Microsoft used to work with Uservoice to capture the needs and wishes of the community. I covered several Uservoice items in the blog. But in 2021 Microsoft switched to an internal Feedback portal for Project for the web. With the announcement, we are treated to a new way of providing feedback to the Product group at Redmond.

Let’s find out if it is any good 😁

Continue reading The New Feedback Portal

UserVoice #7: a final note

During the reimagine Project Management with Microsoft I had a short breakout session. I choose a topic that has frequented the blog as well.

In the session we discussed some of the top UserVoice items and Brian Smith (Senior Escalation Engineer at Microsoft) mentioned this article to me.

Continue reading UserVoice #7: a final note

Reimagine Project Management with Microsoft event recap

I know I mentioned in blog posts and newsletters that I would be moving more towards the Power Platform . So, it might come as a surprise to see a post (after so long) about Project Management on the blog.

But actually, it’s still very close to my goal of more Power Platform AND my goal to keep writing about project and project management.

On 18 March 2021 Microsoft launched the Reimagine Project Management with Microsoft event. And together with 7 thousand others I was there to watch and learn. Here’s a recap of the event. Which is still available for you to sign up to (on demand).

Continue reading Reimagine Project Management with Microsoft event recap