AI in Project Management: Microsoft’s Copilots, Essential Courses, and a Personal Journey (Post #13)

Some actionable items, and a big announcement at the end of the post. Thanks for dropping by another weekly article on Artificial Intelligence and project management.

Generative AI, Bing Create made this artificial inteligence image from the prompt provided down below.
This prompt was quite big, so here’s just a little text and the real prompt is below.

[Subject: Project Manager at Workplace], [Purpose: Illustration], [Mood: Confident], [Style: Minimalistic], [Background: Solid colour] Create a minimalist illustration depicting a confident Project Manager doing work in an office. Use simple lines and shapes to symbolize the person’s confidence and professionalism. The solid colour background should complement the overall mood and create a sense of professionalism.

I took inspiration from a previous newsletter from Zain.

Continue reading AI in Project Management: Microsoft’s Copilots, Essential Courses, and a Personal Journey (Post #13)

AI’s Impact on Project Management: Insights into Microsoft’s Efforts, PMOtto, and EU Regulations, post #12

Microsoft continues its improvements on Artificial Intelligence. And so does the community, with more content that is of interest to Project management and the PMO at large. And, the EU is getting closer to AI regulations, what does that mean for us?

PS: the title is different this time, it was generated by ChatGPT based on the content of this article. Find the previous articles here.

Artificial Intelligence created this image based on the prompt: Work breakdown structure with 3 summary tasks, each with 2 tasks and a milestone that are connected, modern, pencil drawing
Work breakdown structure with 3 summary tasks, each with 2 tasks and a milestone that are connected, modern, pencil drawing.
Continue reading AI’s Impact on Project Management: Insights into Microsoft’s Efforts, PMOtto, and EU Regulations, post #12

The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #11

Let’s continue our Artificial Intelligence (AI) conversation. Last week I was in Switzerland for a client engagement. So sorry for missing the last weeks blog post window. It did give me some time to read Life 3.0 some more. I would argue that everyone should get a copy of that book.

Artificial Intelligence  (AI) generated this image.
AI assists the PMO in the best way possible.
Continue reading The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #11

The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #10

For the 10th post on Artificial Intelligence and the PMO, I’m happy to share a step-by-step guide on my first steps on ChatGPT Plus. Here is a list of the previous articles.

A Project manager meeting a AI for the first time, they are happy to meet and both think that they will do great work together. pixel art
Continue reading The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #10

The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #09

As we get back behind our desks and spin up our machines, I’d like to welcome you to another nice article about Artificial Intelligence and what it could mean for you as an employee working in or with a PMO.

A Project Managers dream come true.

Oohh, that’s just nightmare fuel right there. What’s foaming out his mouth?!

Continue reading The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #09

The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #08

More and more content is available, with ChatGPT creating a IPhone app. Companies creating add-ins to the LLM. And we, can still have a lot of fun with prompts that a image generating AI like has NO real clue on what to show:

Artificial intelligence created this image of A Project manager in a desert facing up to a huge deadline.
A Project manager in a desert facing up to a huge deadline.

I haven’t created a Midjourney payed account (yet) so untill we do I’ll stick with Bing.

Continue reading The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #08

The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #07

This is starting out to grow into a nice set of posts wouldn’t you say? If you want to find all of them, you can go to the category section and read up on other articles in the serries. Seven, well, eight weeks into the articles Microsoft is still working tirelessly to get Co-Pilot solutions into every application of its portfolio.

A project manager, chasing his next deadline, in the style of Vincent van Gogh.
A project manager, chasing his next deadline, in the style of Vincent van Gogh.
Continue reading The PMO and Artificial Intelligence, AI, weekly post #07